Nghiên cứu chế biến sữa hạt sen

Thi Ngan Ha Ho1, Cong Danh Pham1
1 An Giang University

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In this study, we surveyed the optimal parameters to produce a lotus seed milk product of new, delicious flavors, high nutrition and to be preserved for long. The results showed that after removing the hard shell, silk shell and heart, lotus seeds were dipped in hot water of 85 - 90oC for 60 seconds to disable enzymes that cause browning. Lotus seed - water ratio for grinding is 1:5 to obtain good sense of value and high economic efficiency. When hydrolyzing lotus seed milk with amylase enzyme 0.1% (using the mixture of α-amylase and glucoamylase = 1:1) at 80 - 85oC for 90 minutes to produce the liquid of bright yellow, uniform, condensed and good flavor. With the added sugar of Brix 14 - 15%, the liquid will taste good. It is sterilized at 115oC for 15 minutes and can then be preserved for later use up to 3 weeks.

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