Update on the current flying fox bat (Genus Pteropus) in the Mekong Delta

Quang Ngon Lam1, , Van Loi Ly2
1 Institute of Tropical Biology, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Vietnam
2 College of Environmet and Nature Resources, Can Tho University, Vietnam

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This research updates the status of 6 Flying fox bats (Genus Pteropus) in the Mekong Delta region. Two new habitats were recorded for Science at Hung Long Pagoda (Long Xuyen City) and Tra Su Melaleuca Forest Reserve (Tinh Bien District), An Giang Province. Direct counting was supported by binoculars and cameras to determine the total number of each species. The current status of habitat, height and species composition of plants used by Flying fox bats were described. Interviews were done with local people and staff directly managing the bats to record the conservation status and threats to biodiversity loss for the bats. The results recorded 2 species of Flying fox bats in 6 bat colonies including the Large flying fox bat (Pteropus vampyrus) and the Lyle's flying-fox bat (Pteropus lylei). The tree species compositions are Hopea odorata, Dipterocarpus alatus, Melaleuca leucadendron, and Rhizophora apiculate. They range in height from 10m to 21m depending on the habitat.

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