Ho Chi Minh City economic growth connected with cultural development in the age of innovation and international integration

Thi Hong Nhung Nguyen1,
1 University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

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Ho Chi Minh City is the economic center of the country. Besides the strong economic development, the city is also concerned with growths in other fields, especially the culture. Cultural and economic development have a special correlation in the process of building a civilized, modern, and sentimental city of Ho Chi Minh city. Its policy about cultural development in sync with economic development, focusing on taking care of people's lives, especially the poor, in the renovation period has been implemented with high efficiency. On the basis of an overview of the limitations of the economic growth process associated with the cultural development of Ho Chi Minh City, the article proposes some solutions to ensure the harmonious development of economy and culture in the future.

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