Assessing local human resources on rural tourism development in Vinh Thanh district, Can Tho city

My Tien Ly1, , Thi Huynh Phuong Nguyen1, Thi My Duyen Nguyen2
1 School of Social Sciences and Humanities, Can Tho University, Vietnam
2 School of Art, Culture and Tourism, An Giang University, VietNam National University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

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Vinh Thanh is one of the new rural districts in Can Tho city, with great potential for rural tourism development. Local human resources for rural tourism development are still limited. On the basis of in-depth interviews with local authorities, the survey of 126 local households in Vinh Thanh, SPSS 20 software is used to process data to assess local human resources. It is shown that many local people have not known about rural tourism yet, some tourism skills are quite low, but most of them want to participate in the tourism business in the locality. The knowledge about rural tourism as well as the tourism skills of the local people will affect their need to participate in tourism. From the above facts, some solutions are proposed to promote human resources to serve the rural tourism development in Vinh Thanh district.

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