Dẫn liệu bước đầu về thành phần loài chim nước ở Khu du lịch sinh tháo Gáo Giồng, huyện Cao Lãnh, tỉnh Đồng Tháp

Thi Nghiep Hoang, Thi Nhu Uyen Do

Main Article Content


The ecosystem of melaleuca forest in Gao Giong has climatic and natural conditions suitable for animals’ habitation and development, including the birds. This article, for the first time, has listed the data of the water bird in Gao Giong eco-tourism area, Cao Lanh district, Dong Thap province. A total of 49 water bird species fall into 14 families, 7 orders. Among them, 4 species are the precious, rare ones listed in the Red Data Book of Vietnam (2007).

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