The factors affecting the profitability of Vietnamese commercial banks amid the Covid-19 pandemic

Xuan Quynh Pham1,
1 An Giang University, Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

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Using data from financial statements of 25 Vietnamese commercial banks in the period from the 1st quarter of 2018 to the 3rd quarter of 2021, this study focused on assessing the profitability of Vietnamese commercial banks amid the Covid-19 pandemic by analyzing related factors. Using REM estimation model for panel data and the descriptive statistical analysis method, and T-test test, the results show that bank profitability before and amid the Covid-19 pandemic were affected by various factors, including operating scale, funding structure, equity ratio, operating expense ratio, credit risk, and non-interest income ratio. But, no evidence of the pandemic impact on bank profitability was found. Although profit rates fluctuated, commercial banks still secured earning profits during the pandemic.

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