Khảo sát các yếu tố thu hút vốn đầu tư vào tỉnh Quảng Trị

Nam Khanh Giao Ha1, Quang Huy Le1, Thi Cam Hong Nguyen2
1 University of Finance - Marketing
2 Center for Careers, Vocational Training and Job Introduction for Youth in Ho Chi Minh City

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This study aimsto examine the factors impacting the attraction of capital investments into Quang Tri province, by surveying 109 ongoing and future investors by using the tools of Nguyen Manh Toan's scale (2010), the Cronbach's Alpha, and EFA. The result of this study shows that there are 9 factors impacting the attraction of capital investments into Quang Tri province, 5 of them are evaluated over the average: (1) The decision making process which connected to the investment procedures, (2) The authorized offices' policiesto support the investors, (3) The technological infrastructures, (4) The natural resources, (5) The infrastructure of the industrial parks, economic zones; and the rest 4 are evaluated under the average: (6) The social infrastructures, (7) The market potential, (8) The cost advantages, (9) The labourproductivity and the working discipline.

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