Management solutions for online teaching and learning securing learner equity

Thanh Huong Tran1,
1 Faculty of Education, University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

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Online education provides greater learning opportunities for all, which is getting more popular and complex as technology grows more advanced. However, it poses a number of obstacles in terms of managing teaching-learning activities securing educational objectives and learner equity. This study examines the distinctive features of online teaching methods, strategies, and tools utilized, as well as barriers that learners encounter in this regard. It emphasizes vital support to students in online learning and properly selects evaluation methods appropriately. Accordingly, the author proposes four management solutions to promote equality and equity in online education, thereby securing educational goals. These solutions include course planning, teacher professional development in online education, boosting course supervision while establishing a support system for student learning, and evaluating the effectiveness of managing students’ assessment in online learning as a whole.

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