Xây dựng quy trình tối ưu về trồng rau mầm cải sạch

Thi Phuong Vo1
1 Dong Thap University

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 In recent years, sprouts have been in an increasing demand because they are economically beneficial, healthful and free from pesticides, but the yield of this kind of vegetables is not very efficient due to the absence of an adequate production process. Our research findings show that the mutual treatment and mixture of ash of rice husk, rotten straw and coconut fiber (ratio 1:1:1) have a positive impact on the height of sprouts, both fresh weight and dried weight. In addition, the yield is significantly higher than that processed separately, the controlled and grown in clean soil. In particular, type 1 of sprouts has the highest results with the yield up to 874.12g/tray (2.47 times higher than the controlled and 1.30 times higher than the clean soil one).

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