Determining iodine in samples by the voltammetric method on organically-modified electrodes
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Iodine is a daily essential element for humans. Therefore, finding methods to analyze iodine in food items is an important research approach. Our study applies the voltammetric method on organically-modified electrodes to determine iodine in certain specimen. The results show that optimum conditions are as follows: N2H4.H2SO4 0.1M background solution; modified electrodes with p-NH2-C6H4-N2+OTs- 0.1 mM salt; potential deposition 0.0V; and deposition time 30s. Elements do not prevent the determination of iodine with the concentration [M] < 30[I-] (with M = Cl-, Zn2+, Cu2+, Fe2+, Fe3+, Cd2+, Pb2+,AsO2-). It identified a recovery degree >85%; the detectting range of iodine in water is 3-1200 μg/l, and in food items is 0.05 – 100 mg/kg.
voltammetry, iodine, modified electrode, aryl diazonium tosylate, food
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