Enhancing student's mathematical competency in learning the graph and properties of the sine function by Google Sheets app on smartphone

Minh Dung Tang1, , Yen Nhi La1
1 Department of Mathematics and Informatics, Ho Chi Minh City University of Education, Vietnam

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This study explores the integration of the Google Sheets app on smartphones to enhance students' mathematical competency in understanding the graph and properties of the sine function. The paper was an exploratory study involving 32 11th-grade students. The teaching intervention was structured into four phases: familiarizing with the Google Sheets app, creating the sine function value table, sketching the function graph, and analyzing the graph to deduce the sine function's properties. Data were collected through worksheets and audio -video recordings of group work, focusing on manifestations of mathematical competencies. The findings indicate that students completed the tasks and demonstrated significant competencies in mathematical reasoning and using digital tools. Students were able to identify and solve mathematical problems, utilize Google Sheets effectively, and use logical reasoning to enhance their understanding of the sine function. The study concludes that integrating Google Sheets into mathematics education not only aids in visualizing and comprehending mathematical concepts but also promotes interactive and collaborative learning environments, ultimately fostering a deeper understanding and proficiency in mathematics.

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