Species diversity and distribution of amphibians and reptiles in Tram Chim National Park - Dong Thap province

Thi Anh Thu Tran1, , Quang Ngon Lam2
1 School of Education, Can Tho University, Vietnam
2 Post – graduate student, College of Natural Sciences, Can Tho University, Vietnam

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This survey recorded 40 amphibian and reptile species belonging to 32 genera, 16 families and 3 orders distributing in Tram Chim National Park. The diverse families were Dicroglossidae (3 genera, 4 species) and Homalopsidae (3 genera 8 species). Two amphibian and 17 reptile species were added to Tram Chim National Park checklist. There were six rare and endangered species listed in Vietnam's Red Book, IUCN Red List, Decree 06 of the Government, and CITES. Three species including Occidozyga lima, Hylarana erythraea and Enhydris enhydris distributed widely throughout the survey region. The obtained data can be used to evaluate biodiversity level in Tram Chim National Park adapting climate change.  

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