Assessing immature marriage among ethnic minorities in Chu Prong district, Gia Lai province during the 2015 -2018 period

Viet Trung Hoang, Thi Kim Dung La, Thi My Linh Hoang

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Immature marriage has reduced the quality of human resources, directly affecting human health, physique and labor capacity. On the context of immature marriage and near-marital marriage among ethnic minorities in Chu Prong district during the 2015 – 2018 period, using the structured interview and document review, the research team designed a questionnaire and surveyed 349 couples of immature marriage residing in 12 villages within 6 communes with the highest number of immature marriages in the district (namely Ia Boong, Ia O, Ia Púch, Ia Vê, Ia Ga, Ia Pior). From the results of the field survey, the research team analyzed data and identified ethnic minority groups with high immature marriage in terms of race, gender, age and residence. At the same time, the team investigated the local people's perceptions of early marriage and the marriage-family law. Thereby, the team identified the causes and proposed solutions to minimize immature marriage in Chu Prong district.

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