Effects of Aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG) and preservation temperature on the qualities, storage time of postharvest cantaloupe (Cucumis melo L.)

Si Ngoc Le1, , Hoang Thao Ly Nguyen1

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The study purpose is to prolong the ripe stage of postharvest cantaloupe. To this end, certain techniques are used to decrease the biosynthesis of ethylene which influences greatly the biotransformation speed of postharvest fruits. AVG was applied by spraying directly on the fruits 25 days after set fruits with the concentration 0.8 g/l. Results show that postharvest cantaloupes maintain the best qualities after treated at 10±2oC, within 30 days of preservation, with the hardness 0.134 kg/cm2, and a decrease in weight loss compared with the untreated samples  (0.08 – 0.18 g). The Brix value got 9.166oBrix and total sugar was 62.723 mg/g.

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