A study on antimicrobial of turmeric oil (Curcuma Langa) and its application in dried shrimp storage

Thi Ha Van Pham, Si Ngoc Le

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Turmeric oil has good antibacterial and fungus activities. This study is to evaluate turmeric oil’s ability to resist S. aureus, E. coli, A. flavus, and Penicillium sp, which are usually seen in dried sea, freshwater products. The turmeric oil concentration was 30 ml/l; the zones of growth inhibition of E. coli, S. aureus, Penicillium sp, A. flavus were 7.455 ± 0.820 mm,  12.727 ± 0.905 mm; 12.545 ± 1.214 mm, 10.909 ± 0.831 mm respectively; fungus diameters were Penicillium sp.:12,545 ± 1,214 mm, A. flavus: 10,909 ± 0,831 mm. Minimal inhibitory concentration of turmeric oil on E. coli, S. aureus, A. flavus, and Penicillium sp. were respectively 15.6 ml/l, 3.9 ml/l, 7.8 ml/l, and 15.6 ml/l. Turmeric oils 15.6 ml/l combined with 0.5% chitosan can be applied in the preservation of dried shrimp to inhibit the development of total aerobic bacteria and yeast spores, mold during storage.

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