Dong Thap University is in the Top 20 research and training organizations in Vietnam in the Nature Index 2024 rankings.
Bảng xếp hạng Nature Index vừa được công bố vào đầu tháng 6, Trường Đại học Đồng Tháp xếp thứ 19 trong tổng số 62 các tổ chức nghiên cứu và đào tạo của Việt Nam (các trường đại học, viện nghiên cứu, cơ quan chính phủ, tổ chức phi chính phủ, công ty,...) có công trình công bố trên các tạp chí khoa học quốc tế uy tín thuộc cơ sở dữ liệu Nature Index.
Guidelines on how to check the credibility of domestic and international scientific journals
Guidelines on how to check the credibility of domestic and international scientific journals
According to the current regulations of Dong Thap University, scientific journals must have an ISSN or eISSN and be classified into 05 types (levels of credibility) as follows: (1) Journals listed in the WoS (Web of Science) database; (2) Journals listed in the Scopus database; (3) Journals listed in the ACI (ASEAN Citation Index) database; (4) Domestic...
World University Rankings by Webometrics in the second quarter of 2023: Dong Thap University rises 661 places compared to the same period in 2022
The Cybermetrics Labs (part of the National Research Council of Spain) has announced the World University Rankings by Webometrics for July 2023. In this ranking period, Dong Thap University has climbed 661 places compared to the ranking announced in the same period in 2022, with a position of 5,974.
Dong Thap University announces more than 300 scientific papers
Specifically, in the academic year 2022 - 2023, Dong Thap University has implemented 117 new scientific and technological projects. Among them, there are 6 projects funded by the Ministry, 38 projects funded by the university's faculty, and 73 projects funded by students.
Invitation to submit research results for publication in the Journal of Science of Dong Thap University in 2024
The Journal of Science of Dong Thap University invites submissions of research results for publication in the Journal of Science of Dong Thap University in 2024.
Detail contents: Download
The 10 fields/interdisciplinary fields of the Journal of Science of Dong Thap University have been included in the list for scoring scientific works by the State Professor Council in 2023.
The journal has been accepted by the State Professor Council to be included in the list of journals for scoring scientific works in the professor council of fields, interdisciplinary fields, including:
- Educational Sciences: 0-0.75 points.
- Interdisciplinary Chemistry - Food Technology: 0-0.5 points.
- Economics: 0-0.25 points.
- Interdisciplinary Agriculture - Forestry: 0-0.25 points.
- Biology: 0-0.25 points.
- Mathematics: 0-0.5 points.
...VNUR Rankings 2023: Scientific and Technological Activities of Dong Thap University Ranked Second in the Mekong Delta Region
The VNUR (Viet Nam’s University Rankings) has just released the Top 100 universities in Vietnam for the year 2023. Dong Thap University is ranked 72nd nationwide; among which, the criteria for scientific and technological mission is ranked 24th and the criteria for publishing scientific papers listed in the WoS (Web of Science) database is ranked 53rd. In the Mekong Delta region, for both criteria related to scientific and technological activities, Dong Thap University ranks second in the...
The Journal of Science of Dong Thap University is granted a License for Print and Electronic Journal Operations
On February 17th, Dong Thap University held a working session between the Rector and the Journal of Science of Dong Thap University (the Journal), with the attendance of the University's Board of Directors, the leadership of the Journal, and members of the Editorial Board and the Editorial Board.
Decision approving the List of scientific journals eligible for scoring in 2022
The journal has been accepted by the State Professor Council to be included in the list of journals for scoring scientific works in the professor council of fields, interdisciplinary fields, including:
- Educational Sciences: 0-0.5 points.
- Interdisciplinary Chemistry - Food Technology: 0-0.25 points.
- Interdisciplinary Agriculture - Forestry: 0-0.25 points.
- Biology: 0-0.25 points.
- Mathematics: 0-0.5 points.
- Interdisciplinary Culture - Arts...
The journal is published on the online system of the Vietnam Journal of Science - VJO
Tạp chí xuất bản trên hệ thống Tạp chí Khoa học Việt Nam trực tuyến - VJO