Đặc điểm thích nghi của bốn loài thực vật điển hình: tram, bòng bong, dây choại và rau dừa nước ở Khu di tích lịch sử - văn hóa Xẻo Quýt, huyện Cao Lãnh, tỉnh Đồng Tháp

Thi Be Nhanh Nguyen

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The plants growing up in the wetland environment of the cultural-historical relic site of Xeo Quyt have a number of adaptive characteristics such as being flooded periodically in the flooding season and being flooded with little oxygen. Melaleuca tree has aerial roots on its trunk, while Red Ludwigia has floating roots. Besides, there are many gaps of air found in the root, body and leaves of Red Ludwigia. To get adapted to hot, dry climate in the dry season, leaves are covered by a thick layer of cutin; the outer cover of Melaleuca has many layers which slough off to prevent them from heating; a great number of tiny skin hairs appear on the body of Polypody plant. For the winds and storms, roots are strongly built; in particular, those of Malaleuca are wide and deep. Besides, the leaf veins (of Melaleuca and Red Ludwigia) are very hard so that they can boost and protect their leaves from being broken off in unfavorable environmental conditions. 

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