Some factors of teacher beliefs and attitudes of middle school mathematics teachers in Bac Lieu province about teaching statistics

Thai Bao Thien Trung Le1, Minh Dung Tang1, Minh Man Tran1,
1 Ho Chi Minh City University of Education, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

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When statistics is taught at all classes of middle school under the Mathematics Education Program issued in 2018, teacher beliefs and attitudes towards this change needs to be addressed. Studies worldwide have shown that these psychological factors significantly impact the effectiveness of teaching new content. Our research aims to survey beliefs and attitudes of 211 middle school math teachers in Bac Lieu province. Although the majority of the participants expressed their positive beliefs and attitudes, the research reveals concerns through the more negative choices of the remaining teachers about teaching statistics. The research also indicates teachers' desire for additional training in statistics. Above all, teachers' knowledge of statistics will influence the positivity of their attitudes and beliefs.

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