Assessment methods of capacity-based learning outcomes in Teaching Informatics subjects at Dong Thap University

Thi Nhu Quyen Nguyen1, , Thi My Dung Nguyen2
1 Le Vu Hung Resources Center, Dong Thap University, Vietnam
2 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics Teacher Education, Dong Thap University, Vietnam

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Assessment is an important task in teaching activities, demonstrating effectiveness, value and quality of the educational process. Assessing students’ learning outcomes is to detect strengths and weaknesses of both lecturers and learners for improvement. This task is essential to measuring individual progress and abilities. Those outcomnes are the basis for lecturers to innovate and improve plans, class organization, teaching methods and even learning content to achieve educational goals. This article is the result of the study on the learning, testing and evaluating process of Informatics students. We use comparison and contrast methods to assess students' learning outcomes with specialized subjects of Informatics at Dong Thap University based on two assessment groups: (1) learners’ individualization-prompted assessment, and (2) project-based assessment. The article presents the contents as follows: General introduction to the methods of testing and assessing students' learning outcomes; Organizing activities to test and evaluate the learning outcomes; Results; Discussion; Some suggestions for research problem.

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