Assessing ability of antagonistic actinomycetes to Fusarium moniliforme in net house condition
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The research was to identify and assess the ability of antagonistic Actinomycetes to fusarium moniliforme fungus isolated from the bakanae disease on Jasmine 85 rice in net house conditions at the stage from planting to 35 days after sowing. The experiment was completely randomized as one-factorial design with 6 treatments and 4 repetitions; each repetition was 1 pot of rice and 1 pot of 40 plants. The results showed that the CT4.8 strain gave the highest efficiency about the rate of dead plants of 1.27% equivalent of the chemical control sample (1.25%), the height of plants of 553.5 cm equivalent of the chemical control sample (548.4 cm), and the blank control sample (539.5 cm). The lowest disease rate (40.12%) among three Actinomyces strains and the remaining strains from 45.26 to 50.64%. Isolated fungal strain performed the germination rate (98.75%) equal to the blank control sample (99.38%).
Actinomycetes. Bakanae disease, Fusarium moniliforme.
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