Using Casio Fx-580vn X to support solving some types of mathematical analysis problems in grade 12

Ngo Nhat Huy Le, Trung Hieu Le1
1 Dong Thap University

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Casio fx-580VN X was developed by BITEX Company and has been provided in Vietnam since April, 2018. It is a newest version of CASIO with quite a number of functions superior to those of the previous ones. Vietnam Ministry of Education and Training has allowed students to use it in examinations. In this paper, we introduce and develop some new algorithms on this new calculator to solve some types of mathematical analysis problems in grade 12. For each problem type, we present the background knowledge when solving them in traditional ways and by using calculator algorithms. Then, we present some illustrative examples and suggest advanced problems. As such, this paper is supposed to help mathematics teachers update their new calculator knowledge and design suitable tests. 

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