Teaching Natural Science by secondary school teachers in the Mekong Delta

Thi Thuy Diem Huynh1,, Minh Quang Dinh1, Quyen Tran Nguyen2
1 School of Education, Can Tho University, Vietnam
2 Viet My High School Can Tho, Vietnam

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To provide information on current teaching Natural Science by secondary school teachers in the Mekong Delta, this cross-sectional survey was carried out. The research results show that the majority of secondary school teachers have undergone training in 4 key modules: guidelines for implementing the 2018 educational program, teaching and educational methods,  testing and assessment, and planning teaching and educationing toward capacity development. However, they appear to face many difficulties when implementing facilities (16.81%), new textbooks (14.29%), lesson plans (13.45%), teaching methods and techniques (12.61%), learners (8.4%), the content of teaching knowledge and skills in organizing teaching activities (7.56%), testing and evaluation ( 5.04%).

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