Effects of momordica cochinchinensis nectar, saccharose sugar, gelatin, and heat treatment on the quality of gel candy processed from fruit of borassus flabellifer and momordica cochinchinensis

Kim Quyen Diep1, Thi Thanh Dao Vu1
1 An Giang University

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Borassus flabellifer is widely cultivated among the mountainous areas of Vietnam. Its fruit has many nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and it is usually eaten fresh. Momordica cochinchinensis is suitable in the tropical climate, and the fruit contains lots of antioxidants. The article presents the processing of gel candy from fruits of borassus flabellifer and momordica cochinchinensis nectar to create fruit gel candy with a high nutritional and sensory value from nature. The research examined the effects of momordica cochinchinensis nectar, sugar, gelatin, subject to their rates, and heating regimes on the quality and sensory value of the product. The results showed that with added momordica cochinchinensis 20%, saccharose sugar 55%, gelatin 35% and concentrated at 85oC for 15 minutes, good quality gel candy was made with beautiful colors, harmonious flavors and most favored.

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