Current educational socialization management at secondary schools in Dong Xoai City, Binh Phuoc Province

Viet Tuyen Nguyen1, , Van Thong Ho2
1 Graduate student, Dong Thap University, Vietnam
2 Dong Thap University, Vietnam

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The article assesses the results of current educational socialization management at secondary schools by surveying 279 respondents: 9 administrators, 120 teachers, and 150 students’ parents at four secondary schools in Dong Xoai City, Binh Phuoc Province. A four-level scale was used to process the survey data. The obtained results show that there are drawbacks in educational socialization management at secondary schools in Dong Xoai City, Binh Phuoc Province. Accordingly, administrators can propose appropriate management measures to enhance quality and effectiveness of the concerned task in this area.

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