The current management of local education activities for high school students in Cao Lanh city, Dong Thap province

Van Thong Ho1, Ngoc Hao Nguyen2,
1 Dong Thap University, Cao Lanh 870000, Vietnam
2 Postgraduate, Dong Thap University, Cao Lanh 870000, Vietnam

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In the context of deepening international integration today, comprehensive education for students is increasingly concerned. The General Education Program 2018 has set out the goal of educating students to form and develop their qualities and competencies through educational contents. Each of the educational contents is reflected in all subjects and educational activities. Local educational contents for high school students become even more urgent. Teaching local contents at high school in different forms is a way to practice skills to understand and research local issues, such as topics of Local Literature, Local Geography, Local History, Music, Fine arts, and so on. From there, it creates excitement for students in learning, practicing life skills, educating self-responsibility to the local community, linking theory to real life. Therefore, in order to achieve educational goals, the role of managing local education activities at high school needs to be attached. The article assesses the results of local education management through surveying 125 subjects from 04 high schools in Cao Lanh City, Dong Thap province. The survey results processed SPSS, analyzed and assessed the situation according to the 5-level Likert scale, identified inadequacies in the management of local education activities in these local high schools.

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