Current management of local education activities for primary school students in Dam Rong district, Lam Dong province

Thi Gia An Nguyen , Van Thong Ho1
1 Dong Thap University, Cao Lanh 870000, Vietnam

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Local education content refers to fundamental or current issues related to local culture, history, geography, economy, society, environment, career guidance, and others. It complements the uniformed national compulsory education curriculum, aiming to equip students with knowledge about their place of residence, foster a love for their homeland, and cultivate a sense of inquiry and application to contribute to solving local problems (Ministry of Education and Training, 2018). At the primary level, local education content is integrated into Experiential Activities, a mandatory educational component in primary schools. However, primary schools in general, and those in Dam Rong District, Lam Dong Province in particular, have not yet given adequate attention to this task. Therefore, to achieve educational goals, the management of local education activities in primary schools must be prioritized. To propose effective measures for improvement, this paper presents an analysis of the current state of local education management based on a survey of 160 administrators and teachers from 5 primary schools in Dam Rong district. The results reveal shortcomings in the management of local education activities for primary students in this locality.

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