Current management of training activities for excellent students in secondary high schools in Bu Gia Map District, Binh Phuoc Province

Van Thong Ho1, Viet Thu Nguyen2, , Thi Bach Yen Truong1
1 Dong Thap University
2 Postgraduate, Dong Thap University

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The documents of the 12th National Congress of the Party clearly stated: 'Education is the top national policy. Developing education and training aims to enhance intellectual capacity, train human resources, and foster talented individuals.' To contribute to that end, secondary schools in Bu Gia Map District, Binh Phuoc Province, always focus on improving the quality of nurturing excellent students. However, the target activities in the local area still have shortcomings. Therefore, the article presents the research results on the current management situation of this activity in local basic secondary schools, using a management function approach. Accordingly, it proposes measures to enhance the quality of nurturing excellent students to achieve better results and quality.

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