Vietnam’s modern national education: understanding the development process and prospective missions

Quoc Bao Dang, Minh Gian Pham1, Chi Got Nguyen1
1 Dong Thap University

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Vietnam’s education has undergone five successive periods from the era of Van Lang-Au Lac state, followed by Han culture, Vietnamese- Han Chinese, French culture and modern time, respectively. Of these periods, the Vietnamese-Han Chinese and modern time have made up Vietnam’s modern national education. This article aims to present three times of reforming and innovating Vietnam’s education; its development process and missions for schools in each community.

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[1]. Đặng Quốc Bảo, Phạm Minh Giản (2019), Dòng chảy giáo dục Việt từ truyền thống đến hiện đại, NXB Thông tin và Truyền thông, Hà Nội.