“Study manners first” and the story of President Ho Chi Minh welcomes Kliment Voroshilov

Quoc Bao Dang1, Minh Gian Pham2, , Thai Thuy Ngan Tam Tang3
1 Institute of Viet Mind, Vietnam
2 Dong Thap University, Vietnam
3 Office of Science and Technology, Dong Thap University, Vietnam

Main Article Content


The way of education and training of our country train people with enough virtue, enough talent, capable of meeting the requirements of the new era. But at present, the state of education and training is more inclined to professional knowledge and skills than to cultivate and practice moral qualities. Ho Chi Minh is a person who always attaches importance to both talent and virtue, throughout his life of studying, working and living, he always upholds both these factors. The article will present some ideas about the relationship between talent and virtue or between literature and ceremony of Ho Chi Minh and some scholars. In it, it demonstrates the application of Ho Chi Minh's thought of "study manners first and then learn to read and write..." in his life and work through the story between him and Marshal Voroshilov.

Article Details


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